



消防安全工程错误很少是设计错误的问题. Most often they arise from information gaps between the work of different designers, 采购, 和安装人员或来自相互冲突但重叠的设计. 此外, the risk of errors in the implementation of fire safety plans escalates as the number of designers and contractors increases in large construction projects.


  1. 防火屏障支撑和完整性的缺陷
    防火屏障有几个危险点, 但最典型的是他们缺乏支持或诚信. Our experience conducting construction site audits has shown that the bracing and other implementation of fire barriers does not always meet the boundary conditions of the details in fire barriers. 很多次, the problem is related to a lack of coordination between the fire barrier designer and the building services designer.

    It is also recommended to check the integrity of fire barriers after building services installations have been completed. 经常, fire barriers have had to be reopened during other working phases of the building services, 在此之后,它们的松紧度可能达不到要求的水平.
  2. 楼面和屋檐的缺陷
    在外墙, faults in the separating elements are often related to deficiencies or defects in the ventilation gap and eaves fire barriers. 令人惊讶的是, 人们往往没有意识到皇家88账户注册种风险, 细节没有计划,更不用说实施了.

    If the eaves cavity is not cut off in accordance with the attic’s fire compartments, 火势可以向外蔓延, 超出车厢边界. Fire can quickly spread to a large area of the façade through the ventilation gap or through combustible materials. 皇家88账户注册些错误在火灾调查中经常被发现.
  3. 不合适的防火门
    During our site compliance audits, we have also found a surprising number of incorrect fire doors. 皇家88娱乐过去的调查已经揭示了皇家88账户注册一点, 虽然安装的防火门满足防火等级要求, they were not tested in conditions similar to those of the building under construction. An example would be installing a fire door within a timber structure that had only been fire tested in a laboratory in the context of a concrete structure. This common mistake can lead to dismantling or modifying already installed elements.
  4. 增加了出口路线的火力负荷
    It is also important to perform compliance audits of exit routes during the construction phase. 与消防工程师的计划相反, 在施工过程中,出口通道的火灾负荷有时会增加. This increase may be due to electrical or combustible insulation installations, for example.

    Wiring for electrical installations should not be placed in the ceiling of escape routes unless it is enclosed in material of the required fire classification. If an additional fire load is discovered during a fire inspection after the building is completed, 更改安装将导致延迟和额外费用.
  5. 出口标志放置不当
    Exit signs should be positioned so occupants can clearly identify a building’s exit routes during an emergency. 标识位置是消防技术设计的一部分, but their intended placement may need to change when the building is completed due to other structural or interior design implementations. 在实践中, changes to signage may be needed to account for visual obstructions caused by lamps, 屏幕或高内部元素.
  6. Fire Safety Installations Not Implemented or Tested According to Design Standards
    对排烟系统进行审核, 火警, fire extinguishing systems and other fire safety systems should ensure that the implementation and testing of the systems are in accordance with the design standards. We have come across incorrect flow rates in test reports for smoke ventilation systems, where a building's smoke ventilation system has been approved for use at flow rates that are not appropriate for the property in question.

    更常见的, other installations have been retrofitted too close to the sprinkler nozzle or in front of the fire detector so that it cannot be serviced in the future. 经常, the system designer does not consider the needs of the end user and the instructions are too technical. In the case of fire safety equipment and systems, the end user is usually emergency services.


Careful fire engineering alone will not eliminate fire safety defects in your building. 正如皇家88娱乐所展示的, many errors in fire safety design are actually errors in implementation of the fire technical plan on site. On-site audits of installations and design compliance play a significant role in preventing errors, clarifying the overall picture and providing reassurance that the building will perform as it should in the event of an accident.

詹森·休斯(Jensen Hughes)与业主合作, developers and architects to undertake detailed fire safety audits that meet latest regulations. Our team is involved early in the design process to identify potential compliance issues and develop effective and efficient fire safety solutions that meet design needs. 进一步了解皇家88娱乐消防安全审核及风险评估服务.



本杰明在消防安全方面有八年的经验. 在加入消防安全皇家88娱乐之前, he worked as a contractor in the construction industry and is therefore familiar with the construction process from a site perspective.