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Situated at the heart of Tampere, Finland, Tays坦佩雷中心医院是医疗保健专业知识的灯塔, 不仅满足坦佩雷居民的各种医疗需求, but also patients from surrounding regions.

Tays is not just a standalone hospital; it collaborates with various units and centers, including the Tays Heart Centre, the Hospital for Joint Replacement Coxa, Fimlab Laboratories, and the Imaging Centre. 皇家88账户注册种协作方法确保了一个整体和相互关联的医疗保健生态系统.

Tays坦佩雷中心医院正在进行全面的业务更新,以满足不断增长的人口日益增加的需求. 皇家88账户注册包括建造新设施和翻新现有建筑物的某些部分. The goal is to enhance patient safety, improve accessibility and usability of services, create a functional work environment, and streamline the flow of people and equipment. 更新的目的是为患者提供更多的隐私和舒适,重点不仅是现代化的设施,还有可持续性. 医院试图创造一个更环保的医疗环境, aligning with global efforts to promote eco-friendly practices.

设计团队委托Jensen Hughes对材料进行结构防火工程(SFE)建模, design, 以及在庭院中建造玻璃屋顶的钢桁架,以确定其承受火灾暴露的能力. 皇家88娱乐的SFE专家开发了火灾模拟和钢型材的热分析,包括火灾对皇家88账户注册些中庭的影响的详细分析. .

模拟潜在的火灾场景对于理解钢桁架在不同条件下的反应是至关重要的. 皇家88娱乐的专家使用先进的火灾建模软件来创建火灾的虚拟模拟, considering factors such as the intensity, duration, and location of the fire within the atrium.

皇家88账户注册种情况下,钢桁架的规定要求是R60, 说明在标准大火下暴露了60分钟. However, 对屋顶实际火灾暴露程度的评估表明,它可能不会达到如此高的水平. To substantiate this, 通过数值模拟,确定了火灾情景下温度对钢型材的影响. 研究结果表明,皇家88账户注册些温度明显低于60分钟标准火灾的温度. Consequently, 经确定,钢桁架不需要被动防火措施, resulting in significant cost savings.

随着医院进行更新以满足不断增长的人口的需求, the focus embraces sustainability, 与环境友好型医疗保健环境的全球努力保持一致. 皇家88娱乐参与安全安全服务,清楚地表明了医院对安全的承诺, precision and efficiency. 皇家88账户注册种奉献不仅加强了设施的防火能力,而且还节省了大量成本.

Project Details

Project Owner

Tays Central Hospital


The Wellbeing Services, County of Pirkanmaa



Project Location

Tampere, Finland




Featured Experts

Mikko Partanen

Fire Safety Engineer

Tampere - Finland

Master’s of Science, Civil Engineering, FISE Designer of Fire Safety (class PV)

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Mikko Salminen

Structural Fire Engineering Lead, Europe

Tampere - Finland

Ph.D. in Structural Fire Engineering, FISE消防安全设计师(PV级,高要求); 芬兰钢结构协会结构消防安全专家组主席, Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association, Club member #45

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