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The Bo Tree, an eight-story high-rise hotel within the Place III Hotel collection, is situated off Marylebone Lane in the London West End. 酒店独特的奢华方式植根于一种以目的为导向的精神,专注于有意识的奢华. This philosophy extends throughout the hotel, from its Italian restaurant, LAVO, to The BoTree Bar, where connection is key.

The BoTree, includes four basement levels, 最低层延伸至街道以下约16米. Echoing the life on the Lane, 它拥有199间豪华酒店卧室,辅以其他楼层的便利和休闲空间. The hotel strives to be a place where luxury intersects with compassion, where the vibrant neighbourhoods of Marylebone, Mayfair, and Soho come together, and where everyone can feel a deep sense of belonging.

皇家88账户注册团队在建筑设计阶段担任项目消防安全顾问, 与建筑师和首席设计师合作,确保符合立法消防安全设计要求,同时适应BoTree的复杂建筑愿景. 本文概述了皇家88娱乐的方法以及它如何使皇家88娱乐超越皇家88娱乐标准, ensuring the utmost safety for both the building and its occupants.

BoTree项目由于其庞大的规模和多样化的用途,提出了复杂的消防安全挑战, combining residential, leisure, conference, kitchen, and members club facilities. 皇家88账户注册需要容纳大量具有不同风险概况的人. 皇家88娱乐的主要目标是建立有效的逃生和消防通道,同时为所有居住者和消防员保持严格的消防安全标准, without compromising the architectural ambitions of the project.

该建筑的主要防火策略包括一个商业级水雾系统, addressable automatic fire detection and alarm systems, two escape cores, and a firefighting core equipped with fire mains, a firefighting lift, and smoke control-protected lobbies at each level. 地下室每层每小时换气10次,以辅助消防作业. 通过内部防火分区实现被动防火措施, structural frame protection, 并仔细选择外墙材料,以减轻火势蔓延.

消防策略在大多数楼层采用了赛马场走廊布局, 为居住者和消防人员提供进入两个核心的多个接入点. This layout optimizes efficiency, allowing increased building capacity, reduced travel distances, and improved hose-laying routes for firefighting personnel. 它还为建筑师的布局和内部房间的使用提供了灵活性.

四层地下室的存在对设计建筑的地下室排烟策略提出了挑战, which required 10 air changes per hour from each level or compartment. 通过利用“赛马场”走廊布局和精心定制内部消防细分标准, our strategy aimed to draw smoke directly from the corridor, reducing the need for extensive ductwork and fire damper provisions. 皇家88账户注册不仅提高了通风系统的效率,而且为其他建筑设施和建筑特色腾出了空间. Moreover, it minimized the requirement for fire stopping service penetrations, thereby reducing weak points and ongoing maintenance needs.

延森休斯在建筑设计和施工各个阶段的丰富经验使皇家88娱乐能够制定防火策略,提高设计的灵活性, reduce costs, and maintain the highest standards of quality and safety, benefiting our clients. 皇家88娱乐的专家团队致力于为BoTree提供一流的服务, 皇家88账户注册是著名的优选酒店及度假村传奇系列的一部分. 皇家88娱乐的消防咨询服务以提供切实可行的解决方案和确保建筑物及其居住者的安全为宗旨.

Project Details

Project Owner

Place III Hotels


Place III Hotels

Project Location

London, England



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Nick Harvey

Managing Director, England, Fire Engineering

BEng (Hons), Fire Engineering, Chartered Engineer, Member

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