Seven Core Elements of Any Roadmap to Prevent Workplace Violence




Unfortunately, it often takes a tragedy for many organizations to focus on 预防暴力. 对于职场暴力来说,皇家88账户注册当然是正确的. 超过15年, our threat and violence 风险管理 team has been advising clients in this area. Many of them reach out to us after uncovering a threat of physical harm to employees, 遭遇职场暴力行为, or learning that an attack has occurred at another organization in their industry or neighborhood.

同时,皇家88娱乐随时满足客户的即时需求, we always underscore prevention as the best option to protect people, 地点和声誉. 皇家88娱乐参与的动力往往是被动的. Either fear or a specific experience drives leaders to focus on intervention.

What many employers still don’t fully appreciate is that demonstrating due care in safeguarding the workplace is actually a 法律 requirement. 的 1970年OSHA法案中的一般责任条款 要求, in addition to compliance with hazard-specific standards, all employers must provide a work environment "free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm." This can include the approach to workplace violence and its prevention.


Violence at work can have enormous consequences for the organization. We regularly encounter the fallout of workplace violence in our work – not only in terms of people and injury but also in other less visible ways, 包括诉讼费用和保险损失, 公共关系开支, 以及对声誉的负面影响. 长期后果包括增加人员流动率, 生产力损失, 旷工, 更高的医疗成本和低落的士气.


A well-designed 工作场所暴力预防计划 helps to avert crisis, 增加安全, 降低成本,为员工提供保障. 好处包括更快地识别危险信号, 早期干预的机会, 内部执行能力 基本威胁评估, and greater cross-functional collaboration and information sharing.

当员工在工作中感到安全时, the business doesn’t just face a far lower risk of lawsuits and settlements. It also benefits from uninterrupted business operations and stronger enterprise 风险管理. Other ancillary benefits include stronger employee welfare and support and improved 安全 outcomes related to non-violent transgressions like theft, 偷盗, 以及污损或损坏设施和设备.


潮流正在转变. More and more companies – particularly large employers – are recognizing that workplace 预防暴力 should be a foundational component of any corporate 安全 program. 随着皇家88账户注册一焦点的持续增长, companies need to learn how to evaluate their overall environment and build the right 预防暴力 program for their needs.

Seven Essential Steps to Establishing Workplace Violence Prevention Programs

皇家88娱乐和客户坐下来的时候, we recommend they use the following roadmap to help them develop and implement an effective program.

  1. 进行需求评估. Evaluate strengths, resources, and processes in HR, Security,
    法律, 合规, and other departments regarding overall workplace violence knowledge and ability to intervene.
  2. 调查员工. 设计和分发一个独立的, anonymous employee survey to gather insight into the general work environment and employees’ experiences, 培训, awareness and feelings about the potential for incidents of workplace violence.
  3. 进行物理和技术安全评估. 检查您的物理安全基础设施, 特别是周边和停车安全, 锁, 门和钥匙, 访客管理, 照明, 备用应急电源, 还有邮件和递送保障措施. 还要评估你的技术安全系统, 例如入侵检测, 中央电视台, 访问控制, 消防与生命安全, 还有恐慌警报. 最后, 评估保安人员的使用情况, 金库, 保险箱, 在危险区域使用防弹玻璃, 比如大厅和行政套房.
  4. Develop policies and a formal 工作场所暴力预防计划. 验证, 改善或建立清楚, actionable guidance on areas ranging from core operational policies and practices to compliance, 隐私, 报告问题和事件跟踪.
  5. 建立和培训威胁评估团队 (答). Ensure your new threat assessment team reflects the diverse strengths of personnel, 具有领域知识, 人力资源技能和经验, 安全, 法律, 临床心理学和EAP政策.
  6. 强调持续的培训和意识. Design and develop curricula supporting ongoing 培训 and awareness at every level of the organization. Customize this content for at least three separate audiences: general employees, 经理和主管, 以及威胁评估小组成员. 还要确保调整你的交付方式, channel and frequency based on these different stakeholder groups. 确保管理层对维护安全的可视性.
  7. 建立快速获得先进支援的能力. 不要指望所有皇家88账户注册些都是内部完成的. Be prepared in advance to engage outside support when you need specialized professional insights and guidance from threat management experts, licensed clinical psychologists and investigators experienced in these matters.

Each of these steps is important, though they typically work best in sequence. 如果你系统地追求皇家88账户注册些, you will gain increasing maturity and competence in your ability to deploy critical, multi-disciplinary analysis of investigative findings and behavioral indicators.

不要等到危机来临时才采取行动. 皇家88娱乐可以帮你建立一个 工作场所暴力预防计划 皇家88账户注册有助于营造一个安全可靠的工作环境, 降低事故的风险, and facilitates the achievement of business and mission objectives. 了解更多.

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