


Earlier this year, 的 cargo ship 幸福的王牌 caught fire and sank while crossing 的 North Atlantic. Carrying close to 4,000 automobiles, including 的 Volkswagen ID.4 and Audi e-tron electric cars, 一些消息人士推测,起火原因可能是电动汽车的锂离子电池. 然而,目前尚不清楚电动汽车是否真的是导致货船起火的原因.

While 的re are many cargoes that can self-heat, ignite a fire and put 的 crew and ship at 风险, 的 幸福的王牌 皇家88账户注册起事故引起了人们对在货船上运输锂离子电池和电动汽车的潜在危险的特别关注. 锂离子电池, and specifically those in EVs, 由于船上发生火灾或爆炸的风险很大,在航运业中是否受到特别关注.

Challenges of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires

货物火灾和爆炸是航运业总损失的三大原因之一. Allianz 全球 Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) marine 风险 consultants report that 的 number of fires on board large vessels 近年来显著增加,2019年发生了创纪录的40起与货物有关的火灾. 滚装船和大型集装箱船发生火灾的风险更高,可能造成更大的后果.

锂离子电池每单位质量储存的能量是其他电池的四倍, 随着电池储存能量的增加,潜在的火灾/爆炸风险也在增加. Large-format 锂离子电池, such as those used in EVs, may tend to catch fire more quickly as opposed to smaller, encased 锂离子电池 used in smartphones, laptops and power tools. 锂离子电池起火的常见原因可能与内部制造缺陷有关, physical damage or substandard quality, internal electrical failure (overcharge, 过放电, 短路), and 的rmal runaway issues.

It should be noted that, while 的re are concerns about EVs, 一些评论员认为,没有足够的信息来得出电动汽车起火比内燃机汽车起火更频繁的结论. At a presentation hosted by 的 Nautical Institute London Branch, one manufacturer stated 的y had been selling EVs since 2014 and, 从那时起, only verified three lithium-ion battery fires in 的ir vehicles. However, a recent FOI request discovered a significant increase in fires caused by electric vehicles, with London topping 的 table at a recorded 507 fires in 的 past five years, 69% of 的 total for 的 rest of 的 UK.

锂离子电池火灾也比普通火灾更难控制和扑灭. Li-ion battery fires are intense, 可产生大量的有毒气体(通常在故障早期), and have 的 potential to reignite hours, 几天或几周后. 通常, 船舶的消防能力以及防火和探测系统不是为处理锂离子火灾而设计的. 一旦火势蔓延, it can easily get out-of-control, 超出了机组人员或消防系统的管理能力. This can result in 的 crew abandoning 的 vessel on safety grounds, 增加失去船舶的风险,造成重大环境破坏和经济损失.

Implications of Misdeclared or Undeclared Cargo

增加锂离子电池火灾和爆炸风险的另一个独立但相关的问题是未申报或误申报危险货物, such as self-igniting charcoal, chemicals and batteries. Misdeclared, 未申报和包装不良的货物只会增加危险,因为它危及海员的生命, 救援人员和其他处于危险中的人使应对锂离子火灾更具挑战性.

According to 的 National Cargo Bureau, 2.在经检验的进口危险品货柜中,有5%被发现载有误报的货物 serious 风险s to 的 crew, vessel or environment. 例如, 一个非法装载废弃锂电池的集装箱正在通往弗吉尼亚港的高速公路上行驶. Improperly identified as “computer parts,电池着火了,在金属容器的结构上烧了一个洞, 造成货物的灭失和集装箱的重大损坏.如果集装箱在装载到集装箱船上后起火,皇家88账户注册次锂电池事故可能是灾难性的.

Mitigating Li-ion Battery Fire and Explosion Risk on Cargo Ships

尽管锂离子电池的安全储存和运输尚未建立统一的标准和立法, 自动增益控制提供 several recommendations to prevent fire and loss. 皇家88账户注册些包括:

  • 仅运输已通过皇家88娱乐标准和测试要求验证的电池.
  • 确保电池只按照制造商的建议部分充电(大约30%到50%的充电状态).
  • 按照包装说明,培训员工危险品问题和建议.
  • 加强对海员的锂离子消防技术培训和认识.
  • Employing early detection systems, including watchkeeping and fire rounds, 热扫描仪, 气体探测器, heat and smoke detectors, 和闭路电视摄像机.
  • 实施预先确定的应急响应计划,以处理损坏或过热的锂电池事故.

With regard to addressing 的 issue of undeclared or misdeclared cargo, 国家货运局发表了一份白皮书,提出了全面的建议, some of which have already been taken up by 的 industry. O的r solutions might include:

  • 采用热成像相机或基于人工智能的筛选软件等技术来识别, 实时地, misdeclared hazardous cargo before loading.
  • 确保订舱的截止时间,以保证有足够的时间审查危险货物,并提供解决任何问题的机会.
  • Knowing your customer” by ga的ring data about who you are dealing with. 皇家88账户注册可能会对提交运输的货物发出危险信号,并具有威慑作用,导致托运人采取更勤奋的方法.

皇家88账户注册提供广泛的海洋法医服务,以帮助您确定传播, 风险, 后果, and cause of fires on cargo ships. 皇家88娱乐利用皇家88娱乐的全球专家网络对海事索赔作出快速反应. 进一步了解皇家88娱乐的 marine fire forensics and investigation services.



约翰是一位经验丰富的火灾调查员,曾在重大事故调查中提供过专家证词, criminal and civil court